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Unveiling the New Apostolic Reformation:

The recent reports on Mike Johnson and the New Apostolic Reformation provoked me into doing a bit of research and here is what I've found.

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a Christian movement that places great emphasis on the restoration of the five-fold (5F) ministry. In this essay I aim to provide an analysis of the NAR and the 5F ministry by exploring its significance and its overall objectives. By delving into the principles and practices associated with this ministry, we can gain an understanding of the NAR's beliefs and its impact on contemporary Christianity and the rule of law

The 5F ministry, as outlined in Ephesians 4:11-13, consists of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. Each of these roles is believed to be essential for the spiritual growth, unity, and effectiveness of the Church. The NAR holds that the restoration of these ministries is crucial for bringing about a transformation in both the Church and society.

Find out more about this movement here

5F Ministry

In the meantime, let's take a closer look at what the 5F ministry includes:

1. Apostles:

Apostles are seen as the foundation of the Church, responsible for establishing and overseeing new churches, providing spiritual guidance, and imparting vision and direction. They are believed to have a unique authority and anointing to pioneer and lead.

2. Prophets:

Prophets are regarded as individuals who receive direct revelation from God and communicate His messages to the Church. They are seen as having the ability to discern spiritual realities, provide guidance, and bring correction and encouragement to believers.

3. Evangelists:

Evangelists are focused on spreading the Gospel and leading others to faith in Christ. They are passionate about sharing the message of salvation and often engage in evangelistic campaigns, missions, and outreach activities.

4. Pastors:

Pastors are responsible for the care, nurture, and spiritual well-being of the Church community. They provide pastoral counseling, support, and leadership, ensuring the spiritual growth and unity of believers.

5. Teachers:

Teachers are tasked with instructing and equipping believers in the knowledge and understanding of Scripture. They provide sound doctrinal teaching, helping believers to grow in their faith and develop a solid foundation.

But that's not all:

One of the central beliefs of the NAR is Dominionism:

See more on that here Dominionism Essay

The concept asserts that Christians should take dominion over all aspects of society, including politics, education, media, and the arts. This belief is rooted in the idea that Christians are called to establish God's kingdom on earth, preparing the way for the second coming of Christ.

They also place great emphasis on spiritual warfare, viewing it as a battle against demonic forces that hinder the advancement of God's kingdom. This includes practices such as deliverance ministry, spiritual mapping, and strategic-level prayer, aimed at identifying and combating spiritual strongholds.

There's also an emphasis on the operation of supernatural gifts, including healing, prophecy, and speaking in tongues. These gifts are seen as essential for the Church's effectiveness in fulfilling its mission and bringing about societal transformation.

They encourage their followers to actively engage in politics, seeking to influence legislation and policy-making in alignment with their Christian beliefs. This involvement often manifests through support for conservative causes, such as pro-life initiatives, traditional marriage, and religious freedom.

They want to bring about cultural transformation by infiltrating various spheres of society, including politics, media, and education. This is done with the aim of promoting Christian values and principles, ultimately shaping the culture according to their interpretation of biblical teaching

NAR operates through a network of apostolic leaders and churches, often referred to as apostolic networks or coalitions. These networks serve as a platform for collaboration, support, and strategic planning, enabling the NAR to exert influence on a larger scale. These networks often have a hierarchical structure, with apostles at the top providing guidance and direction to affiliated churches and ministries.

The group has faced criticisms regarding its political involvement and Dominionist beliefs. Critics argue that the movement's emphasis on dominion and cultural transformation can lead to a theocratic approach, undermining the separation of church and state. Some have raised concerns about the movement's teachings on spiritual warfare, viewing them as potentially harmful or manipulative.

This movement seeks to restore the 5F Ministry and bring about spiritual and societal transformation. Its ideology revolves around Dominionism, spiritual warfare, and the operation of supernatural gifts. The NAR actively engages in politics, aiming to influence legislation and policy-making in alignment with their Christian beliefs. While the movement has garnered both support and criticism, its impact on contemporary Christianity and its role in shaping political and cultural landscapes cannot be ignored. Understanding the NAR's ideology, beliefs, and political implications is crucial for comprehending its influence within the broader Christian community.
